Eryk At PerfectGuyz
Zodiac: Aries
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6′ 2"
Weight: 190lb
Waist: 33"
Chest: 44"
Shoe Size: 12
Cock: 8" thick & cut
Physique: Ripped
We truly men that are physical specimens of perfection. PerfectGuyz Eryk is jaw dropping sexy. His musculature is that of a guy that has trained his body into peak shape – evidenced by his massive pecs, thick ripped abdomen, taught biceps, and powerful quads. Eryk couldn’t be any hotter especially as he strutted around in his cargo shorts – as if to tease us. He has a definite cocky attitude, but not offensive; He exudes a high degree of spirit and seems to embrace challenge.